> 文章列表 > 自家如何过春节的英语作文




The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important festival in China, marking the beginning of the lunar calendar\'s new year. In my family, we have our unique traditions to celebrate this festive occasion.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, just like Christmas Eve, every family gathers together to have a special dinner called \"年夜饭\" (nián yè fàn). This dinner is a time for family members to reunite and enjoy delicious food. We prepare a variety of dishes, including dumplings, fish, and other traditional Chinese delicacies. The dinner symbolizes the reunion of family members and the hope for a prosperous year ahead.

After dinner, we have a tradition of setting off fireworks and firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year. The colorful explosions light up the sky, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. The loud sounds of firecrackers fill the air, signifying the farewell to the old year and the greeting of the new one. It\'s a joyous experience that brings excitement and happiness to everyone, especially children.

During the Spring Festival, the exchange of red envelopes, also known as \"压岁钱\" (yā suì qián), is another tradition. Elders give red envelopes filled with money to younger family members as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the new year. It\'s always a delight for children to receive these red envelopes and count their lucky money. It encourages them to save and teaches them the value of money.

Decorations are an essential part of our Spring Festival celebrations. We adorn our house with red paper cuttings, couplets, and lanterns. The color red is considered auspicious and brings good fortune and happiness. These decorations create a festive and warm atmosphere, welcoming luck and prosperity into our home.

During the Spring Festival, we also visit relatives and friends to exchange greetings and extend wishes for a prosperous year. It\'s a time to strengthen our bonds with loved ones and show respect to our elders. We share delicious food and exchange gifts, enjoying each other\'s company while spreading joy and happiness.

In conclusion, the Spring Festival in my family is filled with love, joy, and traditions. It\'s a time of reunion, feasting, fireworks, and blessings. The customs and rituals we follow during this festival not only connect us to our Chinese heritage but also bring us closer as a family. It is an occasion that holds deep cultural significance, and we cherish every moment of it.



Translation:The Spring Festival in China is a traditional festival. On that day, we dress up and have a grand party. We gather together to enjoy delicious food and watch the Spring Festival Gala. At midnight, we set off fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the new year. The Spring Festival is a joyful and reunion moment for every family.



Translation:On the eve of the Spring Festival, just like Christmas Eve, every family gathers together to have a special dinner, exchange blessings, and talk about their expectations for the new year. Children receive red envelopes as gifts for the new year!


Recently, I celebrated the Chinese Spring Festival with my family. Firstly, we watched the \"Spring Festival Gala\" on TV, which is a grand variety show featuring singing, dancing, and comedy performances. It\'s a tradition that brings joy and laughter to our home.

Then, we had a festive dinner together. We prepared various traditional dishes, such as dumplings, spring rolls, and fish. These dishes have symbolic meanings for wealth, happiness, and prosperity. We enjoyed the delicious feast while sharing stories and laughter.

After the dinner, we set off fireworks and firecrackers to welcome the new year. The bright colors and loud crackling sounds created a festive and exciting atmosphere. It was a moment of delight and anticipation for the year ahead.

During the Spring Festival, we also visited our relatives and friends, exchanging warm greetings and good wishes. It\'s a time to strengthen our relationships and show appreciation for our loved ones. We exchanged small gifts and shared joyous moments together.

In the evenings, we played traditional games like mahjong and cards. It\'s a fun and competitive way to bond with family members and create lasting memories. We laughed, teased each other, and enjoyed friendly competitions.

In conclusion, the Spring Festival is a time of happiness, traditions, and togetherness for my family. It\'s a celebration that brings us closer and allows us to express gratitude for each other\'s presence. We cherish these moments and look forward to the Spring Festival every year.


Winter vacation is coming. We\'re happy to welcome the holidays. Usually, winter vacation is funny because my family and I celebrate the Chinese New Year. During the festival, we decorate our house with red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets. We have a big family dinner and enjoy traditional dishes like dumplings and fish. We also give and receive red envelopes, which contain money as a lucky gift. Celebrating the Chinese New Year is always a joyful and exciting time for us.



The Spring Festival is my favorite festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets to decorate their houses, creating a festive atmosphere. We have a big family dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival, and we exchange blessings and good wishes for the new year. Children in my family receive red envelopes filled with money as a lucky gift. We also set off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate the beginning of the new year. The Spring Festival is a time to gather with family and friends, enjoy delicious food, and create wonderful memories. I love the joyful and vibrant atmosphere during this festival.









The Spring Festival is considered the most important festival for Chinese people. It is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar and holds great cultural significance. For me, the Spring Festival is a time of joy, traditions, and family reunions.

During the Spring Festival, my family prepares a special feast called \"年夜饭\" (nián yè fàn). We gather together to enjoy a variety of traditional dishes, such as dumplings, fish, and sticky rice cakes. Each dish carries its own symbolic meaning, representing good luck, prosperity, and happiness for the coming year.

We also take part in the tradition of giving and receiving red envelopes. Adults give red envelopes filled with money to children and younger family members as a gesture of blessings and good wishes. It\'s always exciting to receive these red envelopes and see the amount of money inside.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, we set off fireworks and firecrackers to drive away evil spirits and welcome the new year with auspicious vibes. The sky lights up with colorful explosions, and the sound of firecrackers fills the air, creating a festive and lively atmosphere.

During the Spring Festival, we visit our relatives and friends to exchange greetings and good wishes. We pay respects to our elders and receive blessings in return. It\'s a time to strengthen our family bonds and show gratitude for the love and support we receive throughout the year.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a cherished time of traditions, family, and celebrations. It brings us closer together as a community and reminds us of our cultural heritage. I look forward to this festival every year as it fills my heart with happiness and creates lasting memories.


I like The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. It is the most important festival for the Chinese people. During the Spring Festival, my family and I have a wonderful time celebrating and enjoying various traditions.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner called \"年夜饭\" (nián yè fàn). We gather around the table and share delicious food, such as dumplings, fish, and noodles. Each dish carries a special meaning and symbolizes different wishes for the new year.

After dinner, we set off fireworks and firecrackers to welcome the new year. The colorful explosions and loud noises create a festive and joyful atmosphere. It\'s always exciting to watch the fireworks light up the night sky.